Reproduction and life history 
Minimum age at first observed copulation 5.2 years
Age at first parturition 10.6 years (N = 6, range = 9.1-12.1)
Number of producing their first infant in natal group 5 (N = 18) 
Number of producing their first infant in non-natal group 9 (N = 18)
Number of females emigrating from the natal group after the first birth 4 (N = 5)
Iinterval between surviving birth  4.6 years (N = 9, range = 3.4-6.6)
Iinterval between death of infant and the next birth  2.2 years (N = 3, range = 1.4-2.7)
Sex ratio at birth (number of male/number of female) 0.94 (N = 64) 
Mortality (primiparous) 33.3% (N = 21)
            (parous) 20% (N = 25)
Mortality (first year) 19.6% (N = 46) 
            (second year) 6.5% (N = 46) 
Age at emigration from natal group 12.7 year (N = 6, range = 9.6-14.1)
Maximum number of silverback male within a group 2
  Priportion of multi-male group in the population 8%
[140] Yamagiwa J., Basabose A.K., Kahekwa J., Bikaba D., Ando C., Matsubara M., Iwasaki N. & Sprague D.S. (2012) Long-term research on Grauer's gorillas in Kahuzi-Biega National Park, DRC: life history, foraging strategies, and ecological differentiation from sympatric chimpanzees. In: Kappeler P.M., Watts D.P. (eds.) Long-Term Field Studies of Primates. Springer, Heidelberg. pp 385-412
[143] Yamagiwa J., Kahekwa J. & Basabose A.K. (2003) Intra-specific variation in social organization of gorillas: implications for their social evolution. Primates 44: 259-369